Posts tagged Slide deck design
Visual Communication

If each PowerPoint was an inch, there would be enough PowerPoints to extend to the moon and back...over 10 times!

That’s a lot of slides.

Despite the considerable volume of generated slide decks, the old adage “practice makes perfect” hasn’t borne out. We all regularly encounter slide decks that merely repeat spoken content—often as a string of bullet points. Like this:

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The Kitchen Sink

Maybe your kitchen sink looked like mine when I was single--full of every plate, pan, utensil, and glass.  When I caught a glimpse of it, I would feel frustrated and overwhelmed. To escape that distress, I would just avoid it.  But it’s not just the kitchen sink that can get overloaded; presentations can also get packed with everything from the speaker's proverbial kitchen, and when they do, audiences get overwhelmed and tune out.

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